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LinkedIn CSS Certification Exam Answers

“LinkedIn CSS” typically refers to the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) within the context of LinkedIn, the professional networking platform. CSS is a fundamental technology used for styling web pages, including those on LinkedIn profiles and company pages. Users may employ CSS to customize the appearance of their profiles, showcase their skills, or enhance the visual presentation of their content.

Here’s how CSS may be relevant on LinkedIn:

  1. Customizing Profile Appearance: Users with knowledge of CSS can apply custom styles to their LinkedIn profiles. This might involve adjusting colors, fonts, layout, or adding decorative elements to make their profile stand out.
  2. Showcasing Skills and Experience: CSS can be used to create visually appealing sections on LinkedIn profiles to highlight skills, experience, projects, or portfolio items. This can help users effectively communicate their expertise and achievements.
  3. Brand Consistency: Companies and organizations may use CSS to ensure that their LinkedIn company page aligns with their brand identity. This might involve incorporating brand colors, logos, and other visual elements into the page’s design.
  4. Responsive Design: CSS is essential for creating responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. LinkedIn profiles and company pages should be optimized for various devices, and CSS enables users to achieve this responsiveness.
  5. Advanced Layouts and Animations: Although LinkedIn provides some customization options for profiles and pages, CSS allows for more advanced layouts, animations, and interactive elements. Users with CSS skills can create dynamic and engaging content to captivate visitors.

It’s worth noting that LinkedIn has its own policies and guidelines regarding profile customization, and extensive modifications using CSS may not always be allowed or may have limitations. Users should review LinkedIn’s terms of service and community guidelines before implementing extensive CSS customizations to ensure compliance. Additionally, users should be mindful of maintaining professionalism and readability when customizing their profiles or company pages on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn CSS Exam Quiz Answers

  • .example a
  • div a
  • a
  • ul li a
  • a[title] {…}
  • a > title {…}
  • a. title {…}
  • a=title {…}
  • Use the “clearfix hack” on the floated element and add a float to the parent element.
  • Use the overflow property on the floated element or the “clearfix hack” on either the floated or parent element.
  • Use the “clearfix hack” on the floated element or the overflow property on the parent element.
  • Use the “clearfix hack” on the parent element or use the overflow property with a value other than “visible.”
  • 1. An element with an ID of “nav”

2. A nav element

3. An element with a class of “nav”

  • They all target the same nav element.
  • 1. An element with a class of “nav”

2. A nav element

3. An element with an id of “nav”

  • 1. An element with a class of “nav”

2. A nav element

3. A div with an id of “nav”

  • Opacity specifies the level of transparency of the child elements. Background with a rgba () value applies transparency to the background color only.
  • Opacity applies transparency to the background color only. Background with a rgba () value specifies the level of transparency of an element, as a whole, including its content.
  • Opacity specifies the level of transparency of an element, including its content. Background with a rgba () value applies transparency to the background color only.
  • Opacity applies transparency to the parent and child elements. Background with a rgba () value specifies the level of transparency of the parent element only.
  • By default, block elements are the same height and width as the content container between their tags; inline elements span the entire width of its container.
  • By default, block elements span the entire width of its container; inline elements are the same height and width as the content contained between their tags.
  • A <nav> element is an example of an inline element. <header> is an example of a block element.
  • A <span> is an example of a block element. <div> is an example of an inline element.
  • The first column will have a width of 50px. The second column will be 50px wide and the third column will be 100px wide.
  • The first column will have a width of 50px. The second column will be 150px wide and the third column will be 300px wide.
  • The first column will have a width of 50px. The second column will be 300px wide and the third column will be 150px wide.
  • The first column will have a width of 50px. The second column will be 500px wide and the third column will be 1000px wide.
  • to control the height of the space between two lines of content
  • to control the height of the space between heading elements
  • to control the height of the character size
  • to control the width of the space between characters
  • Multiple classes can be used within the same element.
  • The same class can be used multiple times per page.
  • Class selectors with a leading period
  • Classes can be used multiple times per page but not within the same element.
  • position
  • flexbox
  • grid
  • float
  • background-color: blue;

background-image: url(image.jpg);

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-attachment: scroll;

background-position: 0px 0px;

  • background-color: blue;

background-img: url(image.jpg);

background-position: no-repeat;

background-scroll: scroll;

background-size: 0px 0px;

  • background-color: blue;

background-src: url(image.jpg);

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-wrap: scroll;

background-position: 0px 0px;

  • background-color: blue;

background-src: url(image.jpg);

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-scroll: scroll;

background-position: 0px 0px;

  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • red
  • Larger z-index values appear on top of elements with a lower z-index value. Negative and positive numbers can be used. z-index can only be used on positioned elements.
  • Smaller z-index values appear on top of elements with a larger z-index value. Negative and positive numbers can be used. z-index must also be used with positioned elements.
  • Larger z-index values appear on top of elements with a lower z-index value. Only positive numbers can be used. z-index must also be used with positioned elements.
  • Smaller z-index values appear on top of elements with a larger z-index value. Negative and positive numbers can be used. z-index can be used with or without positioned elements.
  • The value of 20px will set the line-height to 20px. The value of 2 will set the line-height to twice the size of the corresponding font-size value.
  • The value of 20px will set the line-height to 20px. The value of 2 is not valid.
  • The value of 20px will set the line-height to 20px. The value of 2 will default to a value of 2px.
  • The value of 20px will set the line-height to 20px. The value of 2 will set the line-height to 20% of the corresponding font-size value.
  • Paragraph one will be blue, paragraph two will be red.
  • Both paragraphs will be blue.
  • Paragraphs one will be red, paragraph two will be blue.
  • Both paragraphs will be red.
  • 1. External; CSS is written in a separate file.

2. Inline; CSS is added to the <head> of the HTML page.

3. Internal; CSS is included within the HTML tags.

  • 1. External; CSS is written in a separate file and is linked within the <header> element of the HTML file.

2. Inline; CSS is added to the HTML tag.

3. Internal; CSS is included within the <header> element of the HTML file.

  • 1. External; CSS is written in a separate file and is linked within the <head> element of the HTML file.

2. Internal; CSS is included within the <header> element of the HTML file.

3. Inline; CSS is added to the HTML tag.

  • 1. External; CSS is written in a separate file and is linked within the <head> element of the HTML file.

2. Inline; CSS is added to the HTML tag.

3. Internal; CSS is included within the <head> element of the HTML file.

  • CSS can be applied to SVGs but JavaScript cannot be.
  • SVGs work best for creating 3D graphics.
  • SVGs can be created as a vector graphic or coded using SVG specific elements such as <svg>, <line>, and <ellipse>.
  • SVGs are a HAML-based markup language for creating vector graphics.
  • The color of the link will display as pink after it’s been clicked or if the mouse is hovering over the link.
  • The color of the link will display as pink on mouse hover.
  • The color of the link will display as pink while the link is being clicked but before the mouse click is released.
  • The color of the link will display as pink before it has been clicked.
  • Use background-fill to set the color inside the object and stroke or border to set the color of the border.
  • The color cannot be changed with CSS.
  • Use fill or background to set the color inside the object and stroke to set the color of the border.
  • Use fill to set the color inside the object and stroke to set the color of the border.
  • the closest element with position: relative
  • the viewport
  • the parent element
  • the wrapper element
  • only if the background-repeat property is set to repeat
  • indefinitely, vertically, and horizontally
  • indefinitely on the horizontal axis only
  • once, on the x and y axis
  • print, screen, aural
  • print, screen, television
  • print, screen, speech
  • print, speech, device
  • p: first-letter {color: red;}
  • p: first-letter {color: red;}
  • first-letter: p {color: red;}
  • first-letter: p {color: red;}
  • “p” is the selector

“#000000” is the property

“color” is the value

  • “p” is the selector

“color” is the property

“#000000” is the value

  • “color” is the selector

“#000000” is the property

“#p” is the value

  • “color” is the selector

“p” is the property

“#000000” is the value

  • The rem unit is relative to the font-size of the p element.
  • You have to set the value for the rem unit by writing a declaration such as rem {font-size: 1 Spx;}
  • The rem unit is relative to the font-size of the containing (parent) element.
  • The rem unit is relative to the font-size of the root element of the page.
  • corner-curve: 10px
  • border-corner: 10px
  • border-radius: 10px
  • corner-radius: 10px
  • The rule will apply to a device that has either a width of 1024px or wider, or is a screen device in landscape mode.
  • The rule will apply to a device that has a width of 1024px or narrower and is a screen device in landscape mode.
  • The rule will apply to a device that has a width of 1024px or wider and is a screen device in landscape mode.
  • The rule will apply to a device that has a width of 1024px or narrower, or is a screen device in landscape mode.
  • the top left corner of the element
  • the center of the element
  • the top right corner of the element
  • the bottom left of the element
  • color: #000
  • color: rgb (0,0,0)
  • color: #000000
  • color: 000000
  • 2rem
  • 32px
  • 64px
  • 4rem
  • flex-flow: column; or flex-direction: column
  • flex-flow: column;
  • flex-column: auto;
  • flex-direction: column;
  • any declarations in user-agent stylesheets
  • important declarations in user stylesheets
  • normal declarations in author stylesheets
  • important declarations in author stylesheets
  • Example 1: flex-direction: row; Example 2: flex-direction: row-reverse; Example 3: flex-direction: column; Example 4: flex-direction: column-reverse;
  • Example 1: flex-direction: row-reverse; Example 2: flex-direction: row; Example 3: flex-direction: column-reverse; Example 4: flex-direction: column;
  • Example 1: flex-direction: row; Example 2: flex-direction: row-reverse; Example 3: flex-direction: column; Example 4: flex-direction: reverse-column;
  • Example 1: flex-direction: column; Example 2: flex-direction: column-reverse; Example 3: flex-direction: row; Example 4: flex-direction: row-reverse;
  • Paragraphs 2 and 3 will be blue. The h2 and paragraph 2 will have a beige background.
  • Paragraphs 2, and 3 will be blue, and paragraph 2 will have a beige background.
  • Paragraphs 2 and 3 will be blue. Paragraph 2 will have a beige background.
  • Paragraph 2 will be blue. Paragraphs 2 and 3 will have a beige background
  • justify-content: space-around;
  • justify-content: center;
  • justify-content: auto;
  • justify-content: space-between;
  • Icon fonts increase accessibility.
  • Icon fonts can be used to replace custom fonts.
  • Icon fonts can be styled with typography related properties such as font-size and color.
  • Icon fonts are also web safe fonts.
  • Both will hide the element on the page, but display: none has greater browser support. visibility: hidden is a new property and does not have the best browser support
  • display: none hides the elements but maintains the space it previously occupied. visibility: hidden will hide the element from view and remove it from the normal flow of the document
  • display: none hides the element from view and removes it from the normal flow of the document. visibility: hidden will hide the element but maintains the space it previously occupied.
  • There is no difference; both will hide the element on the page
  • element: hover {scale: 0.5;}
  • element: hover {transform: scale (0.5);}
  • element: hover {scale: 50%;}
  • element: hover {transform: scale (50%);}
  • Icon fonts can be inserted only using JavaScript.
  • Icon fonts are inserted as inline images.
  • Icon fonts require browser extensions.
  • Icon fonts can be styled with typography-related properties such as font-size and color.
  • bold; normal
  • normal; bold
  • light; normal
  • normal; bolder
  • . grid {display: grid; grid-template-columns: 50px 1fr 2fr;}
  • 50px, 150px, 300px
  • 50px, 200px, 300px
  • 50px, 100px, 200px
  • 50px, 50px, 100px
  • li: nth-child (3 + 2n) {

margin: 0 5 px;


  • li: nth-child (3n + 2) {

margin: 0 5 px;


  • li: nth-child (2),

li: nth-child (5),

li: nth-child (8) {

margin: 0 5 px;


  • li: nth-child (2n + 3) {

margin: 0 5 px;


  • a [href=” #”] {…}
  • a [href~=” #”]
  • a [href^=” #”]
  • a [href=” #”]
  • Only one class value can be assigned to an element.
  • An element can have multiple class value.
  • Class selectors are marked with a leading period.
  • More than one element can have the same class value.
  • Margin adds space around and inside of an element; padding adds space only inside of an element.
  • Margin adds space around an element; padding adds apace inside of an element.
  • Margin adds a line around an element, padding adds space inside of an element.
  • Margin adds space inside of an element, padding adds space around an element.
  • padding: 10px 10px 0px 0px;
  • padding: 10px 0px;
  • padding: 10px 0;
  • padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px;
  • The font file formats are not supported in modern browsers.
  • The src attribute requires a comma between the URL and format values.
  • There are no errors in the example.
  • The sans-serif inclusion is problematic.
  • position: absolute;
  • display: flex;
  • display: block;
  • float: left;
  • The left margin value is equal to 5% of its parent’s element’s width plus 5px
  • The left margin value is equal to 5% of the viewport width plus 5px
  • The left margin value is equal to 5% of the closest positioned element’s width plus 5px
  • The left margin value is equal to 5% of the selected element’s width (.example) plus 5px
  • a[title]
  • a > title
  • a=title
  • title
  • . logo {position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 150px;}
  • . logo {position: absolute; margin-left: 100px; margin-top: 150px;}
  • . logo {position: absolute; padding-left: 100px; padding-top: 150px;}
  • . logo {position: absolute; left-padding: 100px; top-padding: 150px;}
  • blue
  • green
  • red
  • yellow
  • It is used to format the appearance of placeholder text within a form control.
  • It specifies the default input text for a form control.
  • It writes text content into a hyperlink tooltip.
  • It writes text content into any page element.
  • All browsers support single and double colons for new and older pseudo-elements. So you can use either but it is convention to use single colons for consistency.
  • In CSS3, the double colon notation (: 🙂 was introduced to create a consistency between pseudo-elements from pseudo-classes. For newer browsers, use the double colon notation. For IE8 and below, using single colon notation (:).
  • Only the new CSS3 pseudo-elements require the double colon notation while the CSS2 pseudo-elements do not.
  • In CSS3, the double colon notation (: 🙂 was introduced to differentiate pseudo-elements from pseudo-classes. However, modern browsers support both formats. Older browsers such as IE8 and below do not.
  • normal
  • italic
  • none
  • oblique
  • to set the font size of the text
  • to load custom fonts into stylesheet
  • to change the name of the font declared in the font-family
  • to set the color of the text
  • 1. Larger z-index values appear on top elements with a lower z-index value.

2. Negative and positive number can be used.

3. z-index can be used only on positioned elements.

  • 1. Smaller z-index values appear on top of elements with a larger z-index value.

2. Negative and positive numbers can be used.

3. z-index can be used with or without positioned elements.

  • 1. Smaller z-index values appear on top of elements with a larger z-index value.

2. Negative and positive number can be used.

3. z-index must also be used with positioned elements.

  • 1. Larger z-index values appear on top of elements with a lower z-index value.

2. Only positive number can be used.

3. z-index must also be used with positioned elements.

  • 2000 x 1400 pixels
  • 200 x 100 pixels
  • 800 x 400 pixels
  • 400 x 200 pixels
  • under the User Agent Stylesheet section on the right
  • in the third panel under the Layout tab
  • under the HTML view on the left
  • in the middle panel
  • semantic meaning
  • content meaning
  • document structure
  • content appearance

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