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Semrush Technical SEO Certification Exam Answers

SEMrush is a powerful tool for Technical SEO, offering a range of features to help optimize your website’s technical aspects for search engines. Here’s how SEMrush can assist you in Technical SEO:

  1. Site Audit: SEMrush’s Site Audit tool crawls your website to identify technical issues that may affect its performance in search engine rankings. It checks for issues such as broken links, crawlability errors, duplicate content, missing meta tags, and more. The tool provides detailed reports with recommendations on how to fix these issues.
  2. On-Page SEO Checker: This feature analyzes individual pages on your website and provides optimization suggestions based on SEO best practices. It evaluates elements like meta tags, headings, content quality, internal linking, and keyword usage to help improve your on-page SEO.
  3. Backlink Audit: SEMrush helps you monitor your backlink profile and identify potentially harmful links that could negatively impact your SEO efforts. The Backlink Audit tool detects toxic or spammy backlinks and provides options to disavow them, ensuring a clean and high-quality backlink profile.
  4. Site Speed Analysis: Page load speed is a crucial factor for both user experience and search engine rankings. SEMrush offers tools to analyze your website’s speed performance and provides recommendations to optimize load times, such as minimizing server response time, optimizing images, and leveraging browser caching.
  5. Mobile SEO: With the increasing importance of mobile-friendliness in search rankings, SEMrush provides insights into your website’s mobile SEO performance. It checks for issues like responsive design, mobile usability errors, and mobile page speed, helping you optimize your site for mobile devices.
  6. Structured Data Markup: SEMrush allows you to analyze and implement structured data markup ( to enhance your website’s visibility in search results. Structured data helps search engines better understand your content and can lead to rich snippets and other enhanced search features.
  7. Site Migration Assistance: If you’re planning a website migration or redesign, SEMrush offers tools and guidance to ensure a smooth transition while minimizing any negative impact on your SEO rankings. It helps you identify potential pitfalls and provides recommendations to maintain your website’s SEO authority during the migration process.

By leveraging SEMrush’s Technical SEO features, you can identify and address issues that may be holding back your website’s performance in search engine results pages (SERPs), ultimately improving your site’s visibility, traffic, and conversions.

Semrush Technical SEO Certification Exam Answers

  • Nofollow attribute, anchor text
  • a-tag with href-attribute, noindex attribute
  • Anchor text, a-tag with href-attribute
  • True
  • False
  • Multiple links to a single URL
  • Using linkhubs
  • Meta robots nofollow
  • Interlink relevant contents with each other
  • Internal, link-level rel-nofollow
  • It is recommended to have URLs that return non-200 status codes within XML sitemaps
  • There can be only one XML sitemap per website
  • XML sitemaps must only contain URLs that give a HTTP 200 response
  • XML sitemaps should usually be used when a website is very extensive
  • It is recommended to use gzip compression and UTF-8 encoding
  • A well-defined hierarchy of the pages
  • Duplicate pages/content
  • Content freshness
  • It can be downloaded to your local computer
  • It can’t audit desktop and mobile versions of a website separately
  • It provides you with a list of issues with ways of fixing
  • It allows you to include or exclude certain parts of a website from audit
  • Reverse DNS lookup
  • User Agent Overrider
  • User Agent Switcher
  • Occasionally
  • Never
  • Less than ones without no index
  • False
  • True
  • Each URL can have several rel-canonical directives
  • Pages linked by a canonical tag should have identical or at least very similar content
  • It should point to URLs that serve HTTP200 status codes
  • It is useful to create canonical tag chaining
  • they do not pass any linkjuice to other pages
  • those pages are dynamic and thus can create bad UX for the searcher
  • Google prefers them over other pages because they are dynamically generated and thus very fresh.
  • True
  • False
  • Proper pagination is required for the overall good performance of a domain in search results
  • Pagination is extremely important in e-commerce and editorial websites
  • It is important to have all sub-pages of a category being indexed
  • rel=next and rel=prev attributes explain to Google which page in the chain comes next or appeared before it
  • Introducing hreflang using X-Robots headers
  • Using the X-robots rel=canonical header
  • Using the X-robots-tag and the noindex attribute
  • Client-side errors
  • Redirects
  • Server-side errors
  • The rankings will be fully transferred to the new URL
  • Link equity will be passed to the new URL
  • The new URL won’t have any redirect chains
  • To not lose important positions without any replacement
  • When there is another page to replace the deleted URL
  • When the page existed and then was intentionally removed, and will never be back
  • If the page can be restored in the near future
  • When you want to delete the page from the index as quickly as possible and are sure it won’t ever be back
  • Using the 500 status code with the retry-after header
  • Using the 503 status code with the retry-after header
  • Using the HTTP status code 200
  • Using the noindex directive in your robots.txt file
  • Passwords
  • The method of the request (usually GET/POST)
  • The time spent on a URL
  • The server IP/hostname
  • The request URL
  • False
  • True
  • 4xx range
  • 5xx range
  • 2xx range
  • 3xx range
  • If you overlay your sitemap with your logfiles, you may see a lack of internal links that shows that the site architecture is not working properly
  • Combining data from logfiles and webcrawls helps compare simulated and real crawler behavior
  • It is not a good idea to combine different data sources for deep analysis. It’s much better to concentrate on just one data source, e.g. logfile
  • They have strong default geo-targeting features, e.g. .fr for French
  • They need to be registered within the local market, which can make it expensive
  • They may be unavailable in different regions/markets
  • 302 and 303
  • 301 and 303
  • 302 and 301
  • <link rel=”alternate” href=”” hreflang=”x-default”/>
  • <link rel=”alternate” href=”” hreflang=”en-au”/>
  • <link rel=”alternate” href=”” hreflang=”uk”/>
  • True
  • False
  • Avoid using new modern formats like WebP
  • Asynchronous requests
  • Proper compression & meta data removal for images
  • Increase the number of ССS files per URL
  • True
  • False
  • FTP
  • HTTP
  • The “Critical” tool on Github helps to build CCS for CRP optimisation
  • CRP on mobile is bigger than on a desktop
  • The non-critical CSS is required when the site starts to render
  • There is an initial view (which is critical) and below-the-fold-content
  • Changes in HTML can break the mark-up, so monitoring is needed
  • Invalid mark-up still works, so there’s no need to control it
  • Even if GSC says that your mark-up is not valid, Google will still consider it
  • AMP implementation is easy, there’s no need to rewrite HTML and build a new CSS
  • A regular website can never be as fast as an AMP version
  • CSS files are not necessary to be inlined as non-blocking comparing to a regular version
  • In 2021 pages’s performance in terms of the Page Experience scores will be more important than AMP
  • Using AMP is the only way to get into carousel
  • hreflang tags
  • rel=amp HTML tags
  • Canonical tags
  • Independent/standalone mobile site
  • Dynamic serving
  • Responsive web design
  • Using AMP is the only way to get into the Google News carousel/box
  • AMP implementation is easy, there’s no need to rewrite HTML and build a new CSS
  • CSS files do not need to be inlined as non-blocking compared to a regular version
  • A regular website can never be as fast as an AMP version
  • The number of links pointing at a certain page
  • The value a hyperlink passes to a particular webpage
  • Optimized website link hierarchy

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