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LinkedIn Search Engine Optimization Certification Exam Answers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on LinkedIn involves optimizing your profile, content, and activity to improve visibility and ranking within LinkedIn’s internal search engine. Here are some tips to enhance your LinkedIn SEO:

  1. Keyword Optimization: Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your profile, especially in your headline, summary, and job descriptions. These keywords should reflect your skills, expertise, industry, and job title.
  2. Complete Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile is fully complete with detailed information about your work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments. A complete profile tends to rank higher in search results.
  3. Engagement and Activity: Regularly engage with your network by sharing insightful content, commenting on posts, and participating in discussions. Active users tend to rank higher in search results.
  4. Custom URL: Customize your LinkedIn profile URL to include your full name or relevant keywords. This can improve your visibility in search results.
  5. Rich Media Content: Incorporate multimedia elements such as images, videos, presentations, and documents into your profile. This not only enhances user experience but also improves your chances of appearing in search results.
  6. Backlinks: Share your LinkedIn profile URL on other platforms such as your personal website, blog, or social media profiles. Backlinks from reputable websites can improve your profile’s authority and search ranking.
  7. Endorsements and Recommendations: Encourage colleagues, clients, and supervisors to endorse your skills and write recommendations on your LinkedIn profile. Positive endorsements and recommendations can strengthen your profile’s credibility and visibility.
  8. Optimize Headline and Summary: Craft a compelling headline and summary that accurately reflect your expertise, skills, and career objectives. Use relevant keywords strategically to improve your profile’s searchability.
  9. Join and Participate in Groups: Join LinkedIn groups related to your industry or interests and actively participate in discussions. Group participation can enhance your visibility and authority within your niche.
  10. Stay Updated: Regularly update your profile with new skills, experiences, certifications, and achievements. Keeping your profile fresh and up-to-date signals to LinkedIn’s algorithm that you are an active and relevant user.

By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your LinkedIn profile for better visibility and ranking within LinkedIn’s search engine, ultimately enhancing your professional networking and career opportunities.

LinkedIn Search Engine Optimization Exam Quiz Answers

  • Guest posts the article to as many sites as possible
  • Create an infographic and share it with relevant bloggers
  • Create diverse and unnatural links
  • Distribute links in comment sections of websites
  • It is longer
  • It is not preferable
  • It uses structured markup
  • It is readable to a human
  • 410
  • 302
  • 200
  • 301
  • Spam injection
  • Cloaking
  • Sneaky Redirect
  • Splicing
  • Provide a 150 x 80-pixel thumbnail image
  • Add VideoObject
  • Convert .mp4 videos to .mov
  • Embed video objects with JavaScript conditionals
  • Responsive version
  • Submitted version
  • Mobile version
  • Desktop version
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Trends
  • markdown User-agent: Allbots Disallow: \* “` ““
  • markdown User-agent: / Disallow: \* “` ““
  • markdown User-agent: / Disallow: “` ““
  • markdown User-agent: \* Disallow: / “` ““
  • Both the pop-up and the content of the page will be indexed
  • The pop-up will be indexed instead of the desired body content
  • An interstitial pop-up is treated the same as a soft 404
  • The pop-up will be ignored, and the content of the page will be indexed correctly
  • No title or meta description tags were provided
  • The Keywords is too competitive
  • Robots.txt is configured to allow access
  • The product is out of stock
  • Using a gTLD with subdomain
  • using URL parameters
  • Using a ccTLD
  • Using a gTLD with a subdirectory
  • Recommend that they add more products
  • WOrd on compressing image files
  • 302 redirect all product pages to URL that contains target keywords
  • 302 redirect all product ages to a URL that contains target keywords
  • Register the business with a Google My Business account.
  • The Box with Paid Ads That Appear When You Perform a Search.
  • This Is Where Sites Are Kept Till, They Get Mature Enough to Be Included in The Top Rankings for A Particular Keyword
  • A Special Category of Sites That Are Listed in Kid-safe Searches
  • The First 10 Search Results for A Particular Keyword.
  • It Is the Main Body of Text on A Particular Web Page
  • It Is the Text Within the Left or Top Panel of a Web Page
  • It Is the Visible Text That Is Hyper Linked to Another Page
  • It Is the Most Prominent Text on The Page That the Search Engines Use to Assign A Title To The Page
  • Microsoft + .pdf
  • “Microsoft” + “pdf”
  • Microsoft AND “pdf”
  • Microsoft filetype:pdf
  • <a href=””>
  • <a onclick=” newwin(‘’)”>
  • <a href=”” class=” blue”>
  • <a href=”. /Category-2/page”>
  • markdown H1: How to Bak Bagels H2: Ingredients H3: Dry Ingredients H4: Wet Ingredients H2: Instructions H6: Reviews “` ““
  • markdown H1: How to Bak Bagels H1: Ingredients H1: Dry Ingredients H1: Wet Ingredients H1: Instructions H2: Reviews “` ““
  • markdown H1: How to Bak Bagels H2: Ingredients H3: Dry Ingredients H3: Wet Ingredients H2: Instructions H2: Reviews “` ““
  • markdown H1: How to Bak Bagels H2: Ingredients H4: Dry Ingredients H5: Wet Ingredients H6: Instructions H1: Reviews “` ““
  • The site has been delisted from Google Search
  • The site kept updating the date to make the content appear fresh, without changing the content.
  • The articles have aged more than 365 days without any significant updates to the content or the site.
  • A Google New sitemap was not provided within 30 days of setting up a Publisher Center account
  • The site has been delisted from Google Search
  • A Google News sitemap was not provided within 30 days of setting up a publisher center account
  • The site kept updating the dates to make the content appear fres, without changing
  • The articles have aged more than 365 days without any significant updates to the content or the site
  • transcript
  • thumbnail
  • Flash Player
  • event tracking
  • Buy and 301 redirect to your website
  • Add the keyword “donut supplies” to every page.
  • Create a new blog with high-quality donut recipes
  • Join a link farm to rapidly build inbound links.
  • There is a limit to how many links you can create.
  • all of these answers
  • Any follow links reduce your PageRank by 1.
  • Your site’s reputation is tied to the sites you link to.
  • It has no relation to JSON.
  • It is the only structured data format available.
  • It is considered the most complicated approach to adding structured data.
  • It is Google’s preferred structured data format.
  • It creates an inability to use canonical URLs, which dramatically reduces crawl effectiveness,
  • It requires using a 302 redirect, which dilutes PageRank.
  • It triggers an immediate manual action penalty, which delists an entire domain until the duplicate content is removed.
  • It makes it difficult for a search engine to determine the original and authoritative content source.
  • tabindex
  • longdesc
  • src
  • alt
  • synonyms and related words
  • queries about benefits, features, problems
  • how-to and question-based queries
  • focusing on only high-volume, high-popularity words
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Suggest
  • RSS
  • CTR
  • PPC
  • LSI
  • They move from simple to more complex as searchers gather more information and then refine their choices.
  • The stay simple, as searchers try to use as few words as possible.
  • The keywords do not change much at all.
  • They move from complex to simple, as searchers find answers to their questions.
  • cloaking
  • keyword research
  • useful content
  • on-page optimization
  • Use the phrase “local accountant” as a keyword to focus her website on.
  • Focus on short-tail keywords.
  • Register her business with a Google My Business account.
  • Leave a link to her website in the blog comments of popular accounting websites.

<a href=” catalog/gloves.html”>Blue Gloves</a>

  • Blue Gloves
  • href
  • catalog/
  • gloves.html
  • Log file
  • HTTP/2
  • Cron job
  • Resource packet
  • Mega List of Teams Going to the Olympics
  • Complete Coverage of Microsoft’s Latest Announcement
  • The Future of SEO in 2020
  • How to Reheat Pizza
  • First Meaningful Paint (FMP)
  • Recalculated Style Timing (RST)
  • Latent Loading Signal (LLS)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • meta tag
  • HTTP response
  • XML sitemap
  • structured data
  • XBox live coupon
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • LinkedIn login
  • LAX airport directions
  • suggested search terms
  • related search queries
  • keywords that match the search query
  • words with a tag assigned in their meta description
  • SERT (Search Engine Results Page)
  • INDX
  • PARS
  • SEM
  • Google does not use social signals to determine rank
  • Social signals are identical to backlinks
  • Social signals are used to determine topic authority
  • Social signals provide a benefit only if they have structured data markup
  • redirect allotment
  • crawl budget
  • velocity scale
  • domain authority
  • Optimize the front page of your website to drive traffic from all category search terms.
  • Optimize product category pages to drive traffic from individual category search terms.
  • Optimize all pages on the site for all category search terms.
  • Optimize product pages to drive traffic from individual category search terms.
  • User-agent: Allbots Disallow: * “` ““
  • User-agent: / Disallow: * “` ““
  • User-agent: * Disallow: “` ““
  • User-agent: * Disallow: / “` ““
  • The deeper the click depth, the lower the PageRank
  • PageRank and click depth have no relation
  • The deeper the click depth, the higher the PageRank
  • Click depth and PageRank are equal
  • Write the question in a headline tag, and then answer it below in a format that matches the snippet type.
  • Use the features snippet schema and apply an object that matches the correct snippet type.
  • Google manually generates featured snippets, so there is no special technique.
  • Submit the content through Google Search Console, and tag it with the correct snippet type.
  • Google Ads result
  • featured snippet
  • autocomplete
  • related searches
  • using a gTLD with a subdirectory
  • using URL parameters
  • using a gTLD with subdomain
  • using a ccTLD

Question 48: What is a common best practice for handling search result pages on a blog’s built-in site search?

  • Set site research results to no-index.
  • Do not use site search.
  • Set site search to 404.
  • Add a canonical from the search result page to the home page.
  • Use the tag.
  • Use the search engine’s Remove URL tool.
  • Use a robots.txt file.
  • Use structured data
  • Using a subdirectory is never preferable to using a subdomain.
  • The subdirectory will allow for keyword dilution.
  • The subdirectory will benefit from the backlinks the domain has acquired.
  • The subdirectory is better for the end user experience.
  • A.C.E
  • L-E-A-F
  • T.R.U.S.T.E.D
  • E-A-T
  • Launch a Smart Shopping Campaign in Google Ads.
  • Optimize the home page of your website.
  • Optimize each product page with a unique product-specific keyword.
  • Optimize your product category pages.
  • They are less competitive, and may have higher conversion rates.
  • Long-tail keywords are no longer relevant in today’s SEO landscape.
  • They are less grandular, so you capture broader searches.
  • They are more competitive, but drive significantly more traffic.
  • non-indexable
  • irrelevant
  • biased
  • thin
  • Not only should the blog be on a subdomain, but each of the major navigation areas should be on separate subdomains in order to increase the number and value of the links into the primary domain.
  • It is best to have the blog on a subdirectory and build links to primary domain.
  • It is an advisable choice as it will enable interlinking between the domains and increase the number of links.
  • The blog should be on a separate URL to avoid building too many links between the same domain or IP.
  • Google Input Tools
  • structured data testing tool
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google My Business
  • fresh keyword
  • operative keyword
  • short-tail keyword
  • long-tail keyword
  • query
  • parser
  • bar
  • link
  • backlinks
  • NAP
  • LRP
  • inbound links
  • Content does not match search intent.
  • Page returns 404 error.
  • Content reflects search intent.
  • URL uses parameters.
  • when parameters are used in URLs
  • when migrating from HTTP to HTTPS
  • when launching a new redesign
  • when creating a new subdomain
  • RSS
  • KYC
  • YMYL
  • BDB
  • parameter stripping
  • URL cloaking
  • a 302 redirect
  • a rel=canonical link
  • alt=””
  • alt=” Thin black line being used to separate two blocks of content”
  • alt=” dec”
  • alt=” thin-line”
  • The title tag was placed within the section of the webpage, but not before the meta content tags, so Google cannot identify the actual title.
  • The page is using structured data to define an alternative title object, which allows the search engine to pick a preferable version.
  • A breadcrumb navigation is in use, which overrides the title tag supplied in the HTML.
  • Google generated a new title using text on the page that more closely matched the search query.
  • tertiary analysis
  • ranked choice trees
  • semantic analysis
  • knowledge graphs

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