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Google Analytics For Power Users Certification Exam Answers

“Google Analytics for Power Users” is a term used to describe a level of proficiency and expertise in utilizing Google Analytics, a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Power users of Google Analytics possess advanced knowledge and skills in leveraging the platform’s features and capabilities to extract valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.

These users typically have a deep understanding of:

  1. Advanced Analytics Features: They are proficient in using advanced features of Google Analytics such as custom reports, advanced segments, custom dimensions, and custom metrics to perform in-depth analysis.
  2. Data Visualization: They are skilled in visualizing data using tools within Google Analytics, such as creating custom dashboards and data visualizations using Google Data Studio or other third-party visualization tools.
  3. Conversion Tracking and Optimization: They understand how to set up and track conversions effectively, including goals, e-commerce tracking, and multi-channel funnels. They use this data to optimize website performance and marketing campaigns.
  4. Audience Segmentation: They know how to segment website visitors based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, and traffic sources to gain insights into different audience segments and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.
  5. Customization and Configuration: They can customize Google Analytics settings and configurations to meet specific business needs, such as setting up filters, channel groupings, and attribution models.
  6. Integration with Other Platforms: They are capable of integrating Google Analytics with other platforms and tools such as Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, CRM systems, and marketing automation platforms to enrich data and gain a comprehensive view of user interactions across multiple touchpoints.
  7. Data Interpretation and Analysis: They have strong analytical skills and can interpret complex data sets to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for optimization and improvement.
  8. Technical Proficiency: They possess a good understanding of web technologies and are comfortable working with HTML, JavaScript, and other technical aspects related to tracking implementation and troubleshooting.

Overall, Google Analytics power users play a crucial role in helping businesses leverage data effectively to improve website performance, optimize marketing efforts, and achieve business objectives.

Google Analytics For Power Users Exam Quiz Answers

  • Most users who converted were using desktop.
  • The Google Store should optimize their site for tablet.
  • The Google Store shouldn’t bother developing for mobile.
  • There must be an issue with the checkout flow on desktop.
  • Conversions > Ecommerce > Overview
  • Audience > Mobile > Overview
  • Audience > Cross-Device > Device Paths
  • Audience > Mobile > Devices
  • Explorer report
  • Primary dimension
  • Pivot table
  • Table filter
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Immediately stop investing in marketing for the source.
  • Immediately increase marketing spend for the source.
  • Determine whether the traffic source fulfills other site goals.
  • Determine whether the source assists in conversions.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • View the All Traffic > Source/Medium report and select “Ecommerce” in the Explorer tab.
  • View the Ecommerce > Sales Performance report and add Source/Medium as a secondary dimension.
  • View the Ecommerce > Overview report and select “Avg. Order Value” as a metric in the time graph.
  • View the Mobile > Overview report and select “Ecommerce” in the Explorer tab.
  • Organic Search and Social
  • and
  • and
  • Google and Direct
  • (Other) sessions have no campaign value attached to them.
  • (Other) sessions have no source value attached to them.
  • (Other) sessions cannot be categorized in any of the channels in this channel grouping.
  • Investigate (Other) to see if sessions could be categorized by defining a new channel.
  • Analytics > Home
  • Analytics > Audience
  • Analytics > Acquisition
  • Analytics > Real-Time
  • Users, Time, Day
  • Day Index, Hour, Sessions
  • Hour of Day, Sessions, Transactions
  • Day of Week, Hour, Ecommerce Conversion Rate, Sessions
  • Strong performance: Users are highly engaged with the page.
  • Poor performance: Users are struggling with the page.
  • It depends on the specific page and its purpose.
  • Average Time on Page should never be used as a KPI for a content site.
  • To track the number of minutes played for each video on your site
  • To find out the average number of pageviews per user
  • To see how often a page was the landing page for sessions including that page
  • To record the title of a video watched on your site
  • A custom dimension
  • Event tracking
  • Scroll Depth is a standard Google Analytics metric.
  • It’s not possible to track scroll depth with Google Analytics.
  • Use a table filter to exclude goal pages.
  • Define a segment to exclude sessions where a goal occurred.
  • Create a view that tracks ecommerce but doesn’t define any goals.
  • Assign goal values based on average revenue calculated outside of Google Analytics.
  • Landing Pages
  • All Pages
  • Source/Medium
  • Mobile Overview
  • Discover common goal paths you may not have considered.
  • Identify top goal paths and optimize navigation or messaging for even more conversions.
  • Identify drop-off points between steps in various goal paths.
  • Automatically track conversions without manually configuring goals.
  • Compare “About Us” page metrics in the Landing Pages report with “About Us” page metrics in the All-Pages report.
  • Identify the Page Value for the “About Us” page and compare this metric across all other pages.
  • Create a custom segment including sessions with visits to the “About Us” page, and another segment for sessions where users did not visit the “About Us” page. Apply the two segments to the Ecommerce Overview report and compare conversion rates.
  • Use the Reverse Goal Path report to compare number of goal completions among rows including the “About Us” page.
  • Implement Enhanced Ecommerce on your website.
  • Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting in your Analytics view.
  • Enable Checkout Labeling in Ecommerce settings.
  • Assign values to all Analytics goals.
  • Identify a list of products to remove from your website.
  • Identify low performing Product Lists for optimization opportunities.
  • Analyze how the order of products in a product list may impact performance.
  • Compare product performance across multiple Product Lists.
  • Position 1 on the Homepage Promo list
  • Position 1 on the Similar Products list
  • Position 3 on the Homepage Promo list
  • Position 3 on the Similar Products list
  • Cart-to-Detail Rate
  • Buy-to-Detail Rate
  • Average Price
  • Product Adds
  • 22 oz. Mini Mountain Bottle
  • Travel Journal
  • Organic Basic T-Shirt
  • Men’s Heather T-Shirt
  • How users moved from one stage of purchasing to the next.
  • Where users abandoned the shopping funnel.
  • Errors on the “Billing and Shipping” page.
  • Top channels driving sessions with check-outs.
  • Billing and Shipping
  • Payment
  • Review
  • Sessions with Transactions
  • Shopping Behavior Analysis
  • Product Performance
  • Ecommerce Overview
  • Checkout Behavior Analysis
  • Shopping Behavior Analysis
  • Product Performance
  • Ecommerce Overview
  • Sales Performance

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