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LinkedIn Adobe Photoshop Certification Exam Answers

LinkedIn Adobe Photoshop refers to the integration of Adobe Photoshop, a popular image editing software, with LinkedIn, a professional networking platform. While there isn’t a direct integration or feature specifically called “LinkedIn Adobe Photoshop,” individuals may showcase their proficiency in Adobe Photoshop on their LinkedIn profiles in various ways:

  1. Skills Section: LinkedIn profiles typically include a skills section where users can list their competencies. Users proficient in Adobe Photoshop may include it as one of their skills.
  2. Experience Section: If an individual has significant experience using Adobe Photoshop in their professional roles, they may mention it in the experience section of their profile. This could include roles such as Graphic Designer, Digital Marketer, or Photographer, where Adobe Photoshop skills are commonly utilized.
  3. Certifications: LinkedIn allows users to add certifications to their profiles. If someone has obtained official certifications in Adobe Photoshop, such as Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) or Adobe Certified Associate (ACA), they may add these certifications to their profile.
  4. Projects and Media: Users can showcase their work in the projects or media sections of their LinkedIn profiles. If someone has created visual content using Adobe Photoshop, they may include samples of their work, such as designs, illustrations, or photo edits, to demonstrate their skills.

By highlighting their proficiency in Adobe Photoshop on their LinkedIn profiles, individuals can attract potential employers, clients, or collaborators who are seeking professionals with expertise in image editing and design.

LinkedIn Adobe Photoshop Exam Quiz Answers

  • Double-click the file
  • Choose File > Edit in Photoshop
  • Choose File > Save to Photoshop
  • Press Cmd/Ctrl+E
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Cmd/Ctrl+Z
  • Click a state in the history panel
  • Choose File > Undo
  • Press Cmd/Ctrl+U
  • Click the eye icon in the layers panel
  • Use the Move tool with auto-select enabled
  • Right-click the image and select layer
  • Press Cmd/Ctrl and click the layer
  • Choose the Cylindrical method.
  • Choose the Perspective method.
  • Adjust the Boundary Warp slider.
  • Select Auto Crop.
  • Clear the Delete Cropped Pixels box.
  • Select the Delete Cropped Pixels box.
  • Use the Smart Crop tool.
  • Hold the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) key.
  • presets
  • Camera Matching profiles
  • calibration
  • snapshots
  • Sampled Colors
  • Skin Tones
  • Key (Blacks)
  • Out of Gamut
  • Select Image > Auto Tone.
  • Select Image > Auto Color.
  • Alt-click (Option-click) the Auto button in the Properties panel when you have a Levels or Curves adjustment layer targeted in the Layers panel.
  • Hold down the Alt (Option) key and select Image > Auto Color.
  • C, D
  • D, E
  • B, C
  • C, E
  • 300
  • 100
  • 1,000
  • 72
  • flatbed scanner
  • slide scanner
  • all-in-one unit
  • drum scanner
  • PSD
  • PNG
  • TIFF
  • BMP
  • Save each PDF separately first and then combine them.
  • Check to see if you have Acrobat Professional installed.
  • Use the PDF Presentation command.
  • Click File > Export > Export Layers to Files.
  • size of the image
  • position on the page
  • paper quality
  • color management policies
  • It allows you to use the Pen tool to edit a selection
  • It allows you to use the Brush tool to create or refine a selection
  • It allows you to duplicate a mask quickly.
  • It allows you to convert a vector mask to a layer mask.
  • Black and White adjustment layer
  • Posterize
  • Threshold
  • Image > Mode > Grayscale
  • The filter doesn’t work on a 16-bit image.
  • The filer is not correctly installed.
  • The filter doesn’t work on a 32-bit image.
  • The filter requires a selection to be made first.
  • Adjustment Brush
  • Depth Range Mask
  • Luminance Range Mask
  • Color Range Mask
  • tool sets
  • ps
  • modifier keys
  • tool presets
  • Guided
  • Vertical
  • Level
  • Full
  • Upsample large images
  • Convert 8-bit images to 16-bit
  • Apply compression to the document
  • all of these answers
  • Levels
  • Shadows/Highlights
  • Curves
  • Hue/Saturation
  • grouped with the Eyedropper tool
  • Image > Mode > Red Eye
  • Edit > Red Eye
  • grouped with the Spot Healing Brush tool
  • Contiguous
  • Anti-alias
  • Auto-Enhance
  • Sample All Layers
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Patch
  • Vanishing Point
  • Clone Stamp
  • Healing Brush
  • Convert the video file to an image sequence.
  • Convert the video file to a Smart Object.
  • Actually, you cannot use filters on video files.
  • Convert the video file to an animated gif.
  • Photoshop EPS
  • Photoshop PDF
  • Large Document Format
  • Photoshop PSD
  • JPEG
  • GIF
  • PNG
  • Photoshop EPS
  • that the tool is currently deselected
  • tool options
  • that the tool is currently selected
  • grouped or hidden tools
  • Match Color
  • Replace Color
  • Hue/Saturation
  • Levels
  • Reverse
  • Threshold
  • Invert
  • Inverse
  • droplet
  • batch
  • scriptlet
  • image process
  • Refine Edge
  • Quick Select
  • Magic Wand
  • Lasso
  • Mix
  • Fade
  • Smooth
  • Blend
  • Exposure
  • Color Lookup
  • Brightness/Contrast
  • Curves
  • Window > Workspace > Grid
  • View > Show > Slices
  • View > Show > Selection Edges
  • View > Show > Pixel Grid
  • A tool set
  • A layer set
  • A keyboard shortcut
  • A workspace
  • Gaussian Blur
  • Lens Blur
  • Shape Blur
  • Surface Blur
  • Vertical scale
  • Kerning
  • Leading
  • Tracking
  • Color Handling: Photoshop Manages Colors
  • Separations
  • Color Handling: Printer Manages Colors
  • Hard Proofing
  • You must add a spot color channel first
  • You must remove all existing color by Image > Adjustments > Desaturate first
  • Duotones require a single channel, so you must convert to grayscale first
  • Duotones require two channels, so you must delete one of RGB channels in the Channels panel first
  • anti-alias
  • fade
  • blend
  • curve
  • GIF
  • PNG-8
  • PNG-24
  • JPEG
  • You forgot to Shift-click to set the source point for the tool
  • You forgot to Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) to set the source point for the tool
  • You forgot to double-click to set the source point for the tool
  • You forgot to Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac) to set the source point for the tool
  • Adobe RGB
  • ProPhoto RGB
  • RGB
  • sRGB
  • Sample All Layers
  • Protect Tones
  • Use Pressure for Size
  • Protect Colors
  • Edit Contents
  • Replace Contents
  • Relink to File
  • Export Contents
  • Path Blur
  • Tilt-Shift Blur
  • Iris Blur
  • Field Blur
  • Color cast
  • Clipped shadow detail
  • Overexposed details
  • Clipped highlight detail
  • the edges affected by the Sharpen command as refined by the Masking slider
  • the edges affected by the Sharpen command as refined by the Radius slider
  • the edges affected by the Sharpen command as refined by the Detail slider
  • the edges affected by the Sharpen command as refined by the Amount slider
  • A
  • C
  • D
  • B
  • Flatten
  • Calculations
  • Multiply
  • Merge
  • Click File > Browse in Bridge
  • Click File > Browse in Lightroom Classic CC.
  • Use the Creative Cloud application.
  • Click File > Browse in Lightroom CC.
  • Pencil tool
  • Vanishing Point
  • Pen tool
  • Trace Contour filter
  • View > Show > Show Extra Options
  • Window > Tool Presets
  • Window > Options
  • Edit > Toolbar
  • Photoshop does not have natural media brushes.
  • In the Brushes panel, select a brush and then select Convert to natural media.
  • In the Brushes panel, select Legacy Brushes.
  • in the Tool Presents panel.
  • Make a selection and click Image > Crop.
  • Clear the Deleted Cropped Pixels check box.
  • Click Image > Trim and select Transparent Pixels.
  • Select the Delete Cropped Pixels check box.
  • Calculations
  • Image Size
  • Canvas Size
  • Apply Image
  • Click the guide with the Selection tool, then select Edit > Clear.
  • Select View > Clear Guides.
  • Double-click the point where the guide touches the ruler.
  • Drag the guide back to the ruler.
  • RGB
  • Bitmap
  • CMYK
  • Lab Color
  • Adaptive Wide Angle
  • Lens Blur
  • Lens Correction
  • Spherize
  • The adjustment layer contains a vector mask that applies the adjustment only to the unselected pixels.
  • The adjustment layer contains a layer mask that applies the adjustment only to the selected pixels.
  • The adjustment layer contains a layer mask that applies the adjustment only to the unselected pixels.
  • The adjustment layer contains a vector mask that applies the adjustment only to the selected pixels.
  • You can draw a free-form selection with the Lasso tool, but you must make Bezier curves with the Polygonal Lasso tool.
  • The Lasso tool makes free-form selections. The Polygonal Lasso tool makes a selection with a series of connected line segments.
  • You can draw a free-form selection with the Lasso tool. You click and drag with the Polygonal Lasso tool to create Rectangular Marquee selections.
  • The Lass tool can select anything, including enclosed portions of raster images or shapes, but the Polygonal Lasso tool can select only shapes.
  • Brush
  • Object Selection
  • Refine Edge
  • Quick selection
  • It converts the image from a raster image to a vector infographic
  • It uses Adobe Sensei technology to reconstruct pixels that have been interpolated.
  • It references an image in a separate file that retains its resolutions.
  • It uses a layer mask for non-destructive editing.
  • layer company
  • fill layer
  • adjustment Layer
  • layer Mask
  • Apply the Multiply blend mode to the bottom image.
  • Apply the Screen blend mode to the top image.
  • Apply the Hue blend mode to the top image.
  • Apply the Saturation blend mode to the top image.
  • Use the PDF Presentation command.
  • Click File > Export > Export Layers to Files.
  • Check to see if you have Acrobat DC installed.
  • Save each PDF separately first and then combine them.
  • droplet
  • batch
  • scriptlet
  • image process
  • Refine Edge
  • Quick Select
  • Magic Wand
  • Lasso
  • Mix
  • Fade
  • Smooth
  • Blend
  • A tool set
  • A layer set
  • A keyboard shortcut
  • A workspace
  • anti-alias
  • fade
  • blend
  • curve
  • Burn
  • Sharpen
  • Blur
  • Dodge
  • up to 8000
  • up to 2000
  • infinite
  • 0
  • Bicubic Sharper
  • Bilinear
  • Preserve Details 2.0
  • Nearest Neighbour
  • clear the contiguous checkbox
  • decrease the tolerance
  • increase the tolerance
  • increase the simple size
  • anti-aliasing
  • [ ]
  • [ ]
  • [ ]
  • Magic Wand
  • Refine Edge
  • Quick Select
  • Lasso
  • Perspective Corp
  • Marquee
  • Lasso
  • Patch
  • Libraries
  • Files
  • Layer Comps
  • Glyphs
  • a layer set
  • a tool set
  • a keyboard shortcut
  • a workspace
  • You need to convert the image to a Smart Object before using this tool.
  • You must first change the blending mode to Screen
  • The Spot Healing Brush tool cannot be used on a transparent layer
  • The Sample all layer’s check box on the toolbar is not selected
  • Multiply
  • Screen
  • Color
  • Hard Light
  • B, C, and D
  • B
  • B and C
  • A
  • Divide
  • Combine Shapes
  • Minus Back
  • Outline
  • A, B, C
  • B, C, D
  • B, D, E
  • A, C, E
  • Expand
  • Smooth
  • Feather
  • Frow
  • It will prevent shadows from pushing up.
  • It will increase the midtone contrast.
  • It will decrease the overall saturation.
  • It will prevent highlights from being blown out.
  • The Sycamore Leaf 1 layer is the base layer of a clipping mask.
  • The Sycamore Leaf 1 layer is linked layer.
  • The Sycamore Leaf 1 layer is Smart Object.
  • The Sycamore Leaf 1 layer is selected.
  • A
  • B, C and D
  • B
  • B and C
  • layer comp
  • adjustment layer
  • layer mask
  • fill layer
  • Group
  • Merge
  • Combine
  • Link
  • Midtones
  • Shadows
  • Highlights
  • Global
  • Layer
  • Filter
  • Image
  • Select
  • Click the On-image adjustment tool, hover over the image with what has become an eyedropper cursor, and drag to the left.
  • Change the preset to Old Style. Then, enable the On-image adjustment tool and select the hue you would like from the image.
  • Enable the On-image adjustment tool, select the hue you would like from the image, and then adjust the slider that appears below Colorize
  • Click the On-image adjustment tool, hover over the image with what has become an eyedropper cursor, and drag to the right.
  • GIF
  • PSD
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • A (on-image adjustment tool)
  • B (sample in image to set black point)
  • C (sample in image to set white point)
  • D (sample in image to set grey point)
  • Click File > Scripts > Image Processor.
  • Click File > Export > Export Layer Comps to Files.
  • Click File > Export > Layers to Files.
  • Click File > Scripts > Load files into stack.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Pattern Stamp Tool
  • History Brush Tool
  • Clone Stamp Tool
  • Eraser Tool
  • works in 16-bit mode
  • is optimize for multiple processors
  • has an interface
  • has no interface
  • The red circle changes to cyan, but the color outside the circle remains red although it is still transparent. You can see the cyan only in the thumbnail in the Layes panel.
  • The circle changes from red to cyan
  • The red circle with white around it changes to a white circle with red around it.
  • The circle disappears
  • B, E
  • A, C, D, E
  • B, D, E
  • C, E
  • Select the Direct Selection tool and click the edge of the graphic.
  • Click Layer > Smart Object > Reset Transform.
  • Double-click the selected graphic on the canvas.
  • Double-click the graphic’s thumbnails in the Layers panel.
  • 2
  • 1
  • 8000
  • infinite
  • The Spot Healing Brush tool does not match texture, lighting, shading, or transparency of the sampled pixels, but the Healing Brush tool blends texture, light, shading and transparency of pixels nearby.
  • The spot Healing Brush tool needs a source point, but the Healing Brush automatically samples pixel nearby.
  • The Healing Brush tool does not match texture, lighting, shading, or transparency of the sampled pixels, but the Healing Brush tool blends texture, light, shading and transparency of pixels nearby.
  • The Healing Brush tool needs a source point, but the Spot Healing Brush automatically samples pixels nearby.
  • Window > Options
  • View > Show > Show extra options
  • Window > Tool Presets
  • Edit > Toolbar
  • Use the PDF Presentation command
  • Check to see if you have Acrobat DC Installed
  • Save each PDF separately first and the combine them
  • Click File > Export > Export Layers to Files
  • Actions
  • Inspector
  • Scripts
  • Layers
  • Create a new layer above it and set the Clone Stamp tool’s Sample setting to Current & below
  • Add a Photo Filter adjustment layer above the layer. Then use the Clone Stamp Tool.
  • Convert it to a Smart Object. Then use the Clone Stampa Tool
  • While the layer selected, set the Clone Stamp tool’s Sample setting to Current & Below.
  • Go to the Timeline
  • From the History panel flyout menu, select Version History
  • Click File > Version History to enable it
  • Save as a cloud document
  • Perspective Crop
  • Patch
  • Marquee
  • Lasso

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