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Microsoft Search Advertising Certification Exam Answers

Microsoft Search Advertising refers to the advertising platform provided by Microsoft, primarily through its search engine Bing. It allows advertisers to create and manage pay-per-click (PPC) search advertising campaigns to promote their products or services. Similar to Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising enables advertisers to bid on keywords relevant to their target audience, create ad copy, and set budgets for their campaigns.

Some key features of Microsoft Search Advertising include:

  1. Bing Ads: The primary advertising platform where advertisers can create and manage their search advertising campaigns.
  2. Keyword Targeting: Advertisers can bid on specific keywords relevant to their business to have their ads displayed when users search for those terms on Bing.
  3. Ad Formats: Microsoft Advertising offers various ad formats including text ads, product ads, and image extensions to help advertisers effectively showcase their products or services.
  4. Audience Targeting: Advertisers can target their ads based on factors such as location, demographics, device type, and user interests to reach their desired audience.
  5. Budget Control: Advertisers can set daily or monthly budgets for their campaigns, as well as bid amounts for keywords, giving them control over their advertising spend.
  6. Performance Tracking: Microsoft Advertising provides detailed analytics and reporting tools to track the performance of campaigns, including metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and return on investment (ROI).
  7. Integration with Microsoft Products: Microsoft Search Advertising integrates with other Microsoft products and services, such as Microsoft Advertising Intelligence and Microsoft Audience Network, to provide additional insights and advertising opportunities.

Overall, Microsoft Search Advertising offers businesses an opportunity to reach a large audience through Bing search results and other Microsoft properties, with tools and features to help optimize ad performance and achieve marketing objectives.

Microsoft Search Advertising Exam Quiz Answers

  • Individual
  • Shared
  • Age and gender
  • Geographic location
  • Name and address
  • Type of device
  • Page URL
  • Static headline
  • Ad title
  • Custom label
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Improve her ad relevance.
  • Increase her bids.
  • Improve her expected click-through rate.
  • Improve the landing page experience.
  • The payment methods page
  • The purchase confirmation page
  • The website home page
  • The ‘cart’ or ‘basket’ page
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Keyword level
  • Account level
  • Campaign level
  • Ad group Level
  • Expected click-through rate
  • Landing page experience
  • Ad relevance
  • Bid
  • 4 headlines
  • 10 headlines
  • 15 headlines
  • 20 headlines
  • Exact match
  • Broad match
  • Phrase match
  • Modifier match
  • The campaign target is prioritized.
  • The effect will be cumulative.
  • No targeting will be applied due to the conflict.
  • The ad group target is prioritized.
  • Location target
  • Ad title
  • Negative keyword match type
  • Sitelink extensions
  • True
  • False
  • Number of conversions ÷ Number of clicks as a %
  • Number of impressions ÷ Number of clicks as a %
  • Number of clicks ÷ Number of impressions as a %
  • Number of clicks ÷ Number of conversions as a %
  • Keyword level
  • Ad group level
  • Account level
  • Campaign level
  • When all accounts and/or campaigns have been downloaded.
  • Each time you complete an edit.
  • In real time as you make changes.
  • When you post your changes.
  • For Microsoft Audience Network campaigns.
  • For search campaigns.
  • Without customizing your standard universal event tracking tag.
  • Without a Microsoft Merchant Center Store.
  • 1 List
  • 3 Lists
  • 5 Lists
  • 10 Lists
  • True
  • False
  • Rename her campaigns and ad groups
  • Improve her ad relevance
  • Increase her bids
  • Improve the click-through rate by improving her ad copy
  • Bid only
  • Target and bid
  • You can reach curated audiences more likely to convert in your category.
  • You can use your own first-party data.
  • You must have universal event tracking implemented.
  • You can create an ad group that will only serve to that audience.
  • UET is not possible
  • UET is recommended
  • UET is only available in the US market
  • UET is mandatory
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Using Dimensions, Top vs other
  • Using Dimensions, Network
  • Using Segment, Network
  • Using Segment, Top vs other
  • Ad customizers
  • Responsive search ads
  • Expanded text ads
  • Product ads
  • Limited
  • Individual
  • Multiple
  • Shared
  • True
  • False
  • Connect with customers who have visited your website before.
  • Create additional opportunities to re-engage with customers who have abandoned their shopping cart.
  • Upsell or cross-sell to previous buyers.
  • Create a higher cost per acquisition compared to the same ads without remarketing in paid search.
  • 24 hours after implementation
  • 1 to 7 days after implementation
  • 7 to 14 days after implementation
  • 15 to 30 days after implementation
  • Ad customizers
  • Product ads
  • Responsive search ads
  • Expanded text ads
  • Structured snippets
  • Labels
  • Automated rules
  • Text ads
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension into the Opera browser.
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension into the Safari browser.
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension into the Edge browser.
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension in to the Chrome browser.
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • UET is a piece of JavaScript code.
  • The UET tag records customer behavior on your website to send to Microsoft Advertising.
  • You need to have 1 UET tag for conversion tracking, and a different UET tag for remarketing.
  • It works as a ‘key’ that can unlock powerful Microsoft Advertising features.
  • Advanced Insights report
  • Asset report
  • Targeting report
  • Performance report
  • Excel or .csv file formats are acceptable.
  • Files formated in. NUMBERS or. GSHEET are acceptable.
  • The file data columns can be in any order.
  • You ensure that the file is closed.
  • Expanded Text Ad
  • Expanded Type Ad
  • Exact Type Ad
  • Exact Text Ad
  • True
  • False
  • Search Term report
  • Billing Statement report
  • Negative keyword conflict report
  • Share of Voice report
  • When a customer adds a product to a shopping cart.
  • When a customer searches for a product.
  • When a customer views a product.
  • When a customer purchases a product.
  • Debit card
  • Check
  • Credit card
  • PayPal
  • Target cost per action
  • Maximize conversions
  • Target impression share
  • Enhanced cost per click
  • The number of times an ad has been displayed on the search engine results page.
  • The number of times an ad is clicked.
  • The number of times an ad has not been displayed on the search engine results page.
  • The number of times a query is submitted.
  • An impression
  • A query
  • A click
  • A keyword
  • Maximum conversions
  • Enhanced cost per click
  • Target cost per action
  • Maximize clicks
  • Callout ad extensions provide an extra non-clickable snippet of text that highlights your website’s products or offers.
  • Callout ad extensions highlight deals for holidays and other special occasions.
  • Callout ad extensions list multiple categories of products or features with unique clickable links to each of these offerings.
  • Callout ad extensions provide a call-to-action button in your text ad.
  • Individual
  • Shared
  • Number of clicks ÷ Number of impressions as a %
  • Number of conversions ÷ Number of clicks as a %
  • Number of impressions ÷ Number of conversions as a %
  • Number of clicks ÷ Number of conversions as a %
  • True
  • False
  • Search engine references prioritized
  • Search engine results page
  • Search engine results prioritized
  • Search engine reference page
  • True
  • False
  • Universal event tracking destination URL conversion
  • Offline conversions
  • Universal event tracking custom event goal
  • App installs
  • True
  • False
  • Share of Voice report
  • Negative keyword conflict report
  • Search Term report
  • Billing Statement report
  • Click-through register
  • Click-through rate
  • Click-to register
  • Click-through results
  • Wait until the next day
  • Nothing, the campaign is paused until the end of the day
  • Increase its daily campaign budget
  • Raise its bids
  • A call-to-action button in your text ad
  • An extra non-clickable snippet of text that highlights your website’s products or offers
  • A phone number that is not associated with a particular location, but is appropriate for all locations where your ads display
  • Additional links in your ads that take customers to specific pages on your website
  • Tag your website with a UET tag
  • Create remarketing lists to segment users
  • Associate remarketing lists with ad groups
  • True
  • False
  • 1 to 14 days
  • 1 to 60 days
  • 1 to 90 days
  • 1 to 180 days
  • Search Term report
  • Share of Voice report
  • Billing Statement report
  • Negative Keyword Conflict report
  • Importing a file
  • Microsoft Advertising User Interface
  • Microsoft Advertising Merchant Center
  • Microsoft Advertising Editor
  • True
  • False
  • Manager Account
  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Ad Group
  • 5 UET tags – One for each of the 5 features it enables.
  • 2 UET tags – One for remarketing and one for conversion tracking.
  • No UET tags – The UET tag is placed on
  • 1 UET tag- One tag that performs all functions.
  • True
  • False
  • Target cost per action
  • Enhanced cost per click
  • Maximize conversions
  • Target impression share
  • Phrase match
  • Modifier match
  • Broad match
  • Exact match
  • Generate a universal event tracking tag
  • Add conversions to its campaign reports
  • Create a conversion goal
  • Apply a remarketing audience
  • Test 4 to 5 RSAs in an ad group with 3 expanded text ads.
  • Test 4 to 5 RSAs in an ad group with 1 expanded text ad.
  • Test 1 RSA in an ad group with 2 to 3 expanded text ads.
  • Test 1 RSA in an ad group on its own.
  • It is a tool that allows you to make changes to multiple Microsoft Advertising accounts.
  • It is a tool only available for Windows OS.
  • It is a tool that allows you to make bulk changes to your campaigns.
  • It is a tool that allows you to create new campaigns within your account or accounts.
  • True
  • False
  • Use negative keywords
  • Lower the bids
  • Increase the bids
  • Use broad match
  • -9%
  • -90%
  • -100%
  • -10%
  • Enhanced cost per click
  • Maximum conversions
  • Target impression share
  • Target cost per acquisition
  • Broad match
  • Phrase match
  • Exact match
  • Modifier match
  • True
  • False
  • Ad group level
  • Account level
  • Campaign level
  • Keyword level
  • True
  • False
  • Conversion tracking
  • Audience targeting
  • Remarketing audiences
  • Dynamic search ads
  • Refresh within minutes.
  • Ensure ads for that product are shown again to the buyer.
  • Have past buyers automatically added.
  • Require customized universal event tracking set up correctly for that product.
  • To fine tune your auto targets and ad copy.
  • To prevent the labeling and targeting of specific URLs.
  • To improve your page freshness.
  • To leverage static headlines.
  • Audience targeting
  • Broad match
  • Negative keyword
  • Dynamic keyword insertion
  • Only the performance on
  • No transparency into the sites where his ads are serving.
  • Only the performance on owned and operated (O&O) sites.
  • Full transparency into every site where his ads are serving.
  • True
  • False
  • Impression
  • Question
  • Search Query
  • Impression
  • Click
  • CTR
  • Conversion
  • Impression
  • Click
  • CTR
  • Conversion
  • Impression
  • Click
  • Conversion Rate
  • Conversion
  • Impression
  • Click
  • Conversion Rate
  • Conversion
  • They install themselves on your computer to deliver advertising. They are adware.
  • They index web pages for the search engines. They are a kind of database software.
  • They follow links on the web and send back information on web page contents to search engines.
  • They are software that search engines use to find and deliver the results of queries.
  • True
  • False
  • Search Term report
  • Share of Voice report
  • Billing Statement report
  • Negative keyword conflict report
  • Responsive search ads
  • Ad customizers
  • Product Ads
  • Expanded text ads
  • Ads featuring running shoes can be shown to the searcher.
  • Standard campaign ads will be shown to searchers because they did not purchase the running shoes.
  • Ads featuring exactly the same pair of running shoes can be shown to the searcher.
  • Ads triggered by the keyword ‘shoes’ will be shown to the searcher.
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Target impression share
  • Maximum conversions
  • Target cost-per action
  • Target return on advertising spend
  • 4 ad descriptions
  • 10 ad descriptions
  • 15 ad descriptions
  • 20 ad descriptions
  • Total number of impressions ÷ total cost of all clicks
  • Total cost of all clicks ÷ total number of clicks
  • Total number of clicks ÷ Total cost of all clicks
  • Total cost of all clicks ÷ Total number of impressions
  • Goals that track each time a user spends more than a specified duration of time on your site.
  • Goals that track each time a user visits a specific URL on your site.
  • Goals that track each time a user interacts with a specific element on your site.
  • Goals that track each time a user visits more than a specified number of pages on your site.
  • Product name
  • Product ID
  • Page number
  • Page type
  • Matched queries are likely to be from customers interested in any coffee shop chain.
  • Brand keywords target a broad pool of customers interested in a product category or type.
  • They specify an exact location.
  • They target a broad pool of shoppers.
  • Conversion tracking
  • Maximize clicks
  • Target cost per acquisition bidding
  • Remarketing
  • Campaign Settings
  • Microsoft Merchant Center
  • Google Import
  • Keyword Planner
  • Pay-per click
  • Price-per campaign
  • Pay-per campaign
  • Price-per click
  • Target and Bid
  • Bid only
  • They can target selected IP addresses.
  • They can target selected postcodes in Mexico.
  • They can target their ads to Mexico for local tourists.
  • They can target their ads to people searching about Mexico.
  • The payment methods page
  • The purchase confirmation page
  • The website home page
  • The ‘cart’ or ‘basket’ page
  • Search Engine Results Page
  • Search Engine Rendering Page
  • Search Engine Results Panels
  • Run the publisher report and exclude process weekly for four-to-six weeks.
  • Access the publisher report to identify and exclude domains with poor performance on the desired KPI.
  • Define the KPI you want.
  • True
  • False
  • When a user lands on the advertiser’s site after clicking on their ad.
  • When a user lands on the advertiser’s site who has not clicked on their ad.
  • When a user sees their ad.
  • When a user searches for ‘Norman’s Hardware’.
  • True
  • False

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