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Amazon Sponsored Ads Foundations Certification Exam Answers

Amazon Sponsored Ads are a foundational component of Amazon’s advertising ecosystem, designed to help sellers and vendors increase visibility and sales for their products on the platform. Here’s an overview of the foundational aspects of Amazon Sponsored Ads:

  1. Types of Sponsored Ads:
    • Sponsored Products: These ads promote individual product listings within Amazon’s search results and on product detail pages. They’re keyword-targeted and appear as sponsored listings alongside organic search results.
    • Sponsored Brands: Formerly known as Headline Search Ads, these ads feature a custom headline, logo, and multiple product listings. They appear at the top of search results pages and are designed to increase brand visibility and drive consideration.
    • Sponsored Display: These ads target shoppers both on and off Amazon and include retargeting and product targeting options. They help advertisers re-engage shoppers who have viewed their products or visited their store.
  2. Keyword Targeting:
    • Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands use keyword targeting to match ads with relevant search terms entered by shoppers.
    • Advertisers can select keywords manually or use Amazon’s automatic targeting feature, which matches ads to relevant search terms based on product information and listing details.
  3. Budget and Bidding:
    • Advertisers set a daily budget for their campaigns, controlling how much they’re willing to spend on advertising each day.
    • Bids determine how much advertisers are willing to pay for clicks on their ads. Higher bids increase the likelihood of winning ad placements, but advertisers are charged only when a shopper clicks on their ad (cost-per-click or CPC).
  4. Ad Creative:
    • Advertisers create ad creative for their Sponsored Ads, including product images, titles, and ad copy.
    • For Sponsored Products, the ad creative is typically the product image and title, while for Sponsored Brands, advertisers can include a custom headline, logo, and multiple products.
  5. Campaign Structure:
    • Sponsored Ads are organized into campaigns and ad groups, similar to other advertising platforms.
    • Campaigns contain one or more ad groups, and each ad group contains a set of related keywords and ad creative.
    • Advertisers can create multiple campaigns to target different products, keywords, or audiences.
  6. Performance Monitoring and Optimization:
    • Advertisers monitor the performance of their Sponsored Ads using Amazon’s reporting tools, which provide data on metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), and conversions.
    • Optimization involves adjusting keyword targeting, bids, and ad creative based on performance data to improve ad relevance, visibility, and ROI.
  7. Amazon Advertising Console:
    • Advertisers manage their Sponsored Ads using the Amazon Advertising Console (formerly known as Amazon Advertising Platform or AAP), which provides tools for creating, managing, and optimizing campaigns.
    • The console offers features like keyword research, campaign management, reporting, and optimization tools to help advertisers maximize the effectiveness of their Sponsored Ads.

By mastering these foundational aspects of Amazon Sponsored Ads, sellers and vendors can create effective advertising campaigns that increase product visibility, drive traffic, and ultimately boost sales on the Amazon platform.

Amazon Sponsored Ads Foundations Exam Quiz Answers

  • To increase brand awareness
  • To drive customer loyalty
  • To reengage previous customers
  • To reach customers with high purchase intent
  • high ACOS
  • neither of these
  • low ACOS
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products
  • increase visibility by adding more keywords
  • remove the underperforming ASINs from their campaign
  • increase bids on high-performing keywords
  • increase visibility by adding ASINs to the campaign
  • ASINs that have low sales
  • ASINs with 5-star reviews
  • Best-selling ASINs
  • ASINs with 2-star reviews
  • True
  • False
  • The brand’s webpage
  • The product detail page for that product
  • The brand’s campaign landing page
  • The brand’s Store
  • loose match
  • compliments
  • close match
  • substitutes
  • fixed bids
  • automated bidding
  • dynamic bids – up and down
  • dynamic bids- down only
  • True
  • False
  • An ASIN under which all of a seller/vendor’s ASINs are grouped.
  • An ASIN under which multiple variations of the product are grouped.
  • An ASIN under which all products within a category are grouped.
  • The first ASIN created in a category.
  • The ad may serve regardless of the misspelling.
  • The ad will not serve due to a negative match.
  • The ad will definitely serve.
  • The ad will not serve due to the misspelling.
  • None of these
  • Geotargeting
  • Keyword targeting
  • Product targeting
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • $0.86
  • $0.77
  • $0.85
  • $0.79
  • False
  • True
  • Bulksheets
  • Manually
  • API
  • Emilia will spend $10 for the lifetime of the campaign.
  • Emilia may spend less that $10 per day.
  • Emilia will spend more than $300 in a 30-day month.
  • Emilia may spend up to 10% more per day, but not more than $300 in a 30-day month.
  • True
  • False
  • ensure the product is in stock
  • increase the price of the product
  • ensure pricing is affordable
  • stop selling the product
  • The campaign will end.
  • Lamar will be notified, but the campaign will continue to run.
  • The campaign will pause until inventory is replenished.
  • The campaign will continue to run.
  • decrease bids on low performing keywords
  • add negative keywords
  • add new keywords
  • remove underperforming keywords
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Products, Sponsored Products
  • increase visibility by adding ASINs to the campaign
  • increase visibility by adding more keywords
  • all of these
  • increase bids on high-performing keywords
  • AZIN
  • ASON
  • ASKU
  • ASIN
  • True
  • False
  • A customer clicks on a vendor’s sponsored ad for tennis shoes and then purchases those shoes.
  • A customer clicks on a vendor’s sponsored ad for tennis shoes, and then purchases dress shoes from that vendor.
  • A customer clicks on a vendor’s sponsored ad for tennis shoes but does not make a purchase.
  • A customer clicks on a vendor’s sponsored ad for tennis shoes, and then purchases tennis shoes from a different vendor.
  • Koepp can improve the product images and description to more accurately reflect the product.
  • Koepp can add variations of the product.
  • Koepp can act on the feedback by making product improvements that address the issue.
  • Koepp can help boost the number of reviews using the Amazon Vine program.
  • new product ASINs only
  • retail ready ASINs and new product ASINs
  • best-selling ASINs and new product ASINs
  • best-selling ASINs and retail ready ASINs
  • Product targeting
  • None of these
  • Manual keyword targeting
  • Geotargeting
  • search term report
  • targeting report
  • advertised product report
  • performance over time report
  • placement report
  • text alerts
  • Advertising Console
  • email notifications
  • bulksheet reports that compare daily budget and spend
  • False
  • True
  • The product has been sold at least once.
  • The product is sold by Amazon.
  • The product detail page includes all the necessary information for a customer to make a purchase.
  • The product is available in more than one country.
  • API
  • Advertising Console
  • downloadable reports
  • ad spend / attributed sales
  • ad spend x clicks
  • ad spend / clicks
  • ad spend x attributed sales
  • API
  • Advertising Console
  • downloadable reports
  • high ACOS, low ROAS
  • high ACOS, high ROAS
  • low ACOS, high ROAS
  • low ACOS, low ROAS
  • % of orders new-to-brand
  • attributed sales
  • ACOS
  • conversion rate
  • “Pine kitty litter”
  • “Litter for cats”
  • “Feline clay litter”
  • “Pine cat litter”
  • 50%
  • 35%
  • 12%
  • 95%
  • to optimize bids on both Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brand campaigns, toward sales efficiency
  • to optimize bids on Sponsored Brand campaigns, toward brand awareness
  • to optimize bids on Sponsored Brand campaigns, toward sales efficiency
  • to optimize bids on Sponsored Product campaigns, toward brand awareness
  • Features a custom headline and logo or image
  • Depending upon the tactic, it appears both on and off Amazon
  • Promotes individual products
  • Directs only to product detail pages when clicked
  • Automatic targeting
  • Manual targeting
  • 3.5 stars
  • 3 stars
  • 4 stars
  • 4.5 stars
  • “Easel for artists “
  • “Easels for art class “
  • “Table top easel “
  • “Art easel”
  • False
  • True
  • Product targeting
  • Keyword targeting
  • Must be enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry
  • Must sell products from multiple brands
  • Must be active for over 6 months
  • Must sell more than 10 products
  • Automatic targeting
  • Manual targeting
  • Including variations for a product may increase traffic and conversion rates.
  • Reviews and product questions are separated out by each variation.
  • Images for product variations are unnecessary.
  • Product reviews for each variation are brought into one product detail page.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not enough information
  • Store
  • Amazon homepage
  • seller landing page
  • product detail page
  • GamezCo paid a fee to present the Featured Offer (“Buy Box”).
  • GamezCo is the only seller for this product.
  • GamezCo receives credit for sales.
  • When a customer clicks “Buy Now,” they will be purchasing from GamezCo.
  • 15 reviews
  • 25 reviews
  • 10 reviews
  • 18 reviews
  • broad match
  • brand keyword
  • exact match
  • phrase match
  • Brand keywords
  • Category keywords
  • There are 5 items left in stock.
  • There are 15 customer reviews.
  • Product is rated 4 out of 5 stars.
  • Enhanced content includes a video.
  • reviews
  • rating
  • title
  • images
  • New-to-brand
  • click-through rate
  • Cost-per-click
  • spend
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products
  • neither of these ad types
  • search term report
  • placement report
  • performance over time report
  • advertised product report
  • targeting report
  • increase the bids on those keywords
  • add more ASINs to their campaign
  • remove ASINs from their campaign
  • add those keywords as negative keywords
  • False
  • True
  • Nothing, they should leave their campaign alone as long as it’s not over spending.
  • Add more keywords to increase visibility
  • Increase bids on high-performing keywords
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products
  • add more quality ASINs
  • add only best-selling ASINs
  • add 5 ASINs per campaign
  • none of these
  • Coffee Fizz with an average 4.5-star rating
  • Sonix Boom with 5 customer reviews
  • Their top selling product, Tea Fizz
  • Citrus Fizz with 50 customer reviews
  • Geotargeting
  • Keyword targeting
  • None of these
  • Product targeting
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • phrase match
  • broad match
  • negative phrase match
  • exact match
  • C
  • B
  • A
  • The campaign automatically continued running on Tuesday
  • The campaign paused until GreenTree increased the budget on Wednesday
  • The campaign automatically ended on Tuesday
  • The campaign paused until automatically resuming on Wednesday
  • False
  • True
  • inventory
  • delivery method
  • description
  • customer reviews
  • engagement
  • relevancy
  • ad spends
  • cost-per-click
  • A+enhanced marketing content/Enhanced brand content
  • product description
  • manufacturer content
  • enhanced customized content
  • order history
  • featured offer
  • images
  • Stores
  • pixels, cost-per-click-bid
  • ad type, budget
  • cost-per-click bid, relevancy
  • ad spend, relevancy
  • Geotargeting
  • Negative Geotargeting
  • Negative product targeting
  • Product targeting
  • neither of these ad types
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • advertise the best sellers in their product catalog
  • neither of these
  • remove the underperforming ASINs from their campaign
  • The ad will not serve due to the plural variation.
  • The ad will definitely serve.
  • The ad may serve because close variations (plurals) are automatically included.
  • The ad will not serve due to misspelling.
  • Leverage the Early Reviewer Program to help increase the number of reviews.
  • Wait until the product receives more reviews.
  • Change shipping methods to increase positive reviews.
  • Decrease the price to increase the number of sales, increasing reviews.
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Impressions, ACOS
  • ACOS, impressions
  • Keyword targeting
  • Product targeting
  • Bulksheets
  • Manually
  • API
  • “Artist easels”
  • “Table top artist easel”
  • “Artist easel for painting”
  • “Standing artist easel”
  • For a higher chance of conversion
  • For a wider reach
  • pause the campaign since it can’t run through the day
  • decrease bids on underperforming key words
  • remove low performing key words
  • increase bids on underperforming key words
  • targeting report
  • performance over time report
  • placement report
  • advertised product report
  • search term report
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Include more products in her campaigns that she is not currently advertising
  • Both of these these
  • Review existing bids and remove low-performing terms
  • None of these
  • impressions
  • return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • sales
  • click-through rate
  • Manual campaign creation
  • Neither of these
  • Bulk operations
  • True
  • False
  • loose match
  • complements
  • substitution
  • close match
  • Save half on tube socks.
  • Save now on tube socks.
  • Save $10 on tube socks.
  • Huge savings on tube socks.
  • CPC
  • impressions
  • aCPC
  • spend
  • Best hair product according to experts
  • Highly rated shampoo by professionals
  • Awarded #1 shampoo in 2022, Pro Hair Magazine.
  • Awarded #1 shampoo
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • Manual creation
  • Bulksheets
  • API
  • none of these
  • Hurry, shop scented candlesnow!
  • Shop scented candles before they’re gone
  • Shop scented candles TODAY
  • Shop scented candles today
  • Leave teeth three shades whiter than other brands
  • Leave teeth three shades whiter than other brands according to experts
  • Leave teeth three shades whiter than other brands. Research completed by Dental Weekly Magazine, April 21, 2019
  • Leave teeth three shades whiter than other brands. Research completed by Dental Weekly Magazine, April 2022
  • True
  • False
  • complements
  • loose match
  • close match
  • substitution
  • both of these
  • Neither of these
  • Bulk operations
  • API
  • False
  • True
  • Logo cannot be placed on a white background color
  • Logo cannot be a combination of logos.
  • Logo cannot be used as an extension of the headline nor contain additional text.
  • Logo cannot be a product, ASIN (including cropped versions), custom or lifestyle image or combination.
  • Feel cozy in our new flannel shirt
  • Feel COMFY
  • Enjoy the fall
  • Gear up for fall with our new flannel shirt
  • Discover our savings
  • Wrist watches available for 40% off!
  • Savings on our wrist watches
  • See our discounts
  • False
  • True
  • Yes, the promotional ad is specific to the offering (full-sized and travel-sized perfume bundle) and provides the end-date for the promotion (Valentine’s Day).
  • No, the promotional ad should not include the offering (full-sized and travel-sized perfume bundle) and the end-date for the promotion (Valentine’s Day).
  • Huge savings on tube socks.
  • Save now on tube socks.
  • Save half on tube socks.
  • Save $10 on tube socks.
  • Huge savings on tube socks.
  • Save now on tube socks.
  • Save half on tube socks.
  • Save $10 on tube socks.
  • False
  • True
  • Logo cannot be used as an extension of the headline nor contain additional text.
  • Logo cannot be a product, ASIN (including cropped versions), custom or lifestyle image or combination.
  • Logo cannot be placed on a white background color
  • Logo cannot be a combination of logos.
  • This is a custom image representing a TV in a lifestyle setting in your ad and would be allowed.
  • This a custom image representing a TV in a lifestyle setting in your ad and would not be allowed.
  • Negative Geotargeting
  • Geotargeting
  • Negative product targeting
  • Product targeting
  • The ad will not serve due to the plural variation.
  • The ad will not serve due to misspelling.
  • The ad will definitely serve.
  • The ad may serve because close variations (plurals) are automatically included.
  • advertised product report
  • performance over time report
  • targeting report
  • placement report
  • search term report
  • The ad may serve regardless of the misspelling.
  • The ad will not serve due to the misspelling.
  • The ad will definitely serve.
  • The ad will not serve due to a negative match.
  • Geotargeting
  • Manual keyword targeting
  • None of these
  • Product targeting
  • exact match
  • phrase match
  • negative phrase match
  • broad match
  • When a customer clicks “Buy Now,” they will be purchasing from GamezCo.
  • GamezCo receives credit for sales.
  • GamezCo paid a fee to present the Featured Offer (“Buy Box”).
  • GamezCo is the only seller for this product.
  • Product targeting
  • Keyword targeting
  • ASINs that have low sales
  • ASINs with 2-star reviews
  • ASINs with 5-star reviews
  • Best-selling ASINs
  • Automatic targeting
  • Manual targeting
  • Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products, Sponsored Products
  • True
  • False
  • best-selling ASINs and retail ready ASINs
  • retail ready ASINs and new product ASINs
  • best-selling ASINs and new product ASINs
  • new product ASINs only
  • “Easels for art class “
  • “Art easel”
  • “Table top easel “
  • “Easel for artists “
  • ensure the product is in stock
  • stop selling the product
  • ensure pricing is affordable
  • increase the price of the product
  • True
  • False
  • False
  • True
  • order history
  • Stores
  • images
  • featured offer
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Impressions, ACOS
  • ACOS, impressions
  • True
  • False
  • “Pine kitty litter “
  • “Feline clay litter “
  • “Litter for cats “
  • “Pine cat litter “
  • conversion rate
  • ACOS
  • % of orders new-to-brand
  • attributed sales
  • placement report
  • search term report
  • advertised product report
  • targeting report
  • performance over time report
  • Product targeting
  • Keyword targeting
  • return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • impressions
  • click-through rate
  • sales
  • Logo cannot be a product, ASIN (including cropped versions), custom or lifestyle image or combination.
  • Logo cannot be used as an extension of the headline nor contain additional text.
  • Logo cannot be a combination of logos.
  • Logo cannot be placed on a white background color

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