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Amazon Ads Advanced Retail Certification Exam Answers

“Amazon Ads Advanced Retail” likely refers to advanced advertising strategies tailored specifically for retailers on Amazon’s platform. Here are some advanced tactics and considerations for retailers looking to optimize their advertising efforts on Amazon:

  1. Advanced Targeting Options:
    • Utilize advanced targeting features such as behavioral targeting, lookalike audiences, and retargeting to reach specific customer segments.
    • Leverage Amazon’s rich data to target shoppers based on their purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographics.
  2. Sponsored Products Optimization:
    • Implement advanced bidding strategies such as dynamic bidding and bid modifiers to adjust bids based on factors like placement, device, and time of day.
    • Use advanced keyword research tools to identify long-tail keywords and niche opportunities for Sponsored Products campaigns.
  3. Sponsored Brands Strategy:
    • Develop comprehensive Sponsored Brands campaigns that showcase a range of products and reinforce your brand identity.
    • Utilize headline search ads to drive brand awareness and capture shoppers’ attention at the top of search results pages.
  4. Sponsored Display Tactics:
    • Leverage Sponsored Display ads to retarget shoppers who have viewed your products or visited your store.
    • Utilize audience segmentation to target shoppers who are in-market for specific product categories or have shown interest in similar products.
  5. Amazon DSP Integration:
    • Utilize Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) to execute advanced programmatic advertising campaigns across Amazon’s owned properties and third-party websites.
    • Leverage Amazon DSP’s advanced targeting capabilities to reach shoppers both on and off Amazon’s platform with highly personalized ads.
  6. Product Detail Page Optimization:
    • Optimize your product detail pages to maximize conversion rates and improve ad performance.
    • Utilize A+ Content, Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), and video content to provide shoppers with a rich and engaging shopping experience.
  7. Advanced Analytics and Reporting:
    • Dive deep into campaign performance metrics to understand the impact of your advertising efforts on key performance indicators such as sales, ROI, and customer acquisition.
    • Utilize advanced analytics tools to measure the incremental lift in sales attributed to your advertising campaigns.
  8. Seasonal and Promotional Campaigns:
    • Plan and execute seasonal campaigns and promotional events to capitalize on peak shopping periods and drive increased sales.
    • Utilize Amazon’s advertising solutions to amplify the reach and effectiveness of your seasonal promotions and deals.
  9. Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking:
    • Monitor competitors’ advertising strategies and benchmark your performance against industry benchmarks.
    • Identify gaps and opportunities in the market to refine your advertising strategies and gain a competitive edge.
  10. Continuous Optimization and Testing:
    • Continuously test and optimize your advertising campaigns to improve performance over time.
    • Experiment with different ad formats, targeting options, and creative assets to identify what resonates best with your target audience.

By implementing these advanced advertising strategies and tactics, retailers can enhance their visibility, drive sales, and maximize their return on investment on the Amazon platform.

Amazon Ads Advanced Retail Exam Quiz Answers

  • Amazon Attribution
  • Virtual Bundles
  • Monthly Installments Program
  • Seller University
  • Advertising console
  • Ad Solutions page
  • Shopper engagement index
  • Purchase index
  • Consideration index
  • Brand Metrics
  • Amazon Brand Analytics
  • Amazon Marketing Cloud
  • Amazon Stores offer a standard look and feel to help drive customer satisfaction.
  • Amazon Stores are only discovered by customers who are actively searching for your brand.
  • Amazon Stores allow selling partners to highlight their full catalog of products, including best sellers and the latest deals.
  • True
  • False
  • 2 weeks
  • 4 weeks
  • 1 week
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Display
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Subscribe & Save
  • Virtual Bundles
  • Monthly Installments Program
  • Offer Subscribe & Save on eligible products to help increase customer loyalty.
  • Conduct A/B tests with product listings to identify optimization opportunities.
  • Test different pricing strategies to see which price maximizes purchases.
  • It enables you to track the performance of your advertising campaigns and measure their effectiveness.
  • It offers comprehensive data on your competitors’ marketing strategies and customer engagement.
  • It provides insights into a breakdown of your sales using various customer categories.
  • Exclusive bundles
  • Customizable bundles
  • Value bundles
  • Amazon’s Choice badge
  • Best Seller badge
  • New Release badge
  • Increase the product price to stay comptetative
  • Use text fields—rather than embedding text in images
  • Obtain more five-star rated reviews
  • True
  • False
  • False
  • True
  • A price discounts
  • A Lightning Deal
  • A social media promo code
  • Selling partners cannot apply product badges, they are automatically applied by Amazon.
  • Selling partners can add this feature when creating their product listing.
  • Selling partners must submit an application through Seller Central.
  • True
  • False
  • Identify which channels are most effectively and efficiently driving value for your business on
  • Understand which of the audiences you’re engaging with on are contributing to a majority of your sales.
  • Use A/B tests to optimize your product detail pages and ensure your they meet the eligibility requirements for product badges.
  • Order units
  • Repeat customer count
  • Conversion share
  • Lip Scrub with Lavender
  • 8 fl oz- Organique Soothing Lip Balm
  • Organique – Exfoliating Lip Scrub – Lavender, 8 fl oz
  • Traffic
  • Sales
  • Forecasting
  • Amazon Vine
  • Amazon Voice
  • Amazon Today
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • Global Selling Tool
  • Currency Convertor
  • Build International Listings tool
  • Sales
  • Forecasting
  • Net Pure Product Margin
  • Customer reach and impressions
  • Seller review count
  • Seller fulfillment method
  • True
  • False
  • Amazon Ads API
  • Amazon Brand Registry
  • Selling Partner API
  • A maximum of 7 modules per product detail page
  • 12 module options comprising of text and images
  • Desktop, tablet, and mobile optimization
  • By using the uncustomized A+ Content template to drive consistency across your Store.
  • By embedding text in images to improve your visibility in search results.
  • By use comparison tables to highlight features across your product line.
  • Basic A+ Content
  • Brand Story Content
  • Premium A+ Content
  • False
  • True
  • Local advertising strategies
  • Product packaging and branding
  • Taxes and regulations
  • Selling items in new condition
  • Having 15 or more reviews
  • Having video content on all product detail pages
  • Coupons can’t be offered during holiday seasons.
  • Certified refurbished (renewed) products are ineligible for Coupons.
  • Only vendors are allowed to offer Coupons.
  • Zhang can help customers stay up to date with their brand by highlighting deals and trending products.
  • Zhang can gain custom insights for their customers.
  • Zhang can give exclusive discounts for their brand only to participants of Brand Follow.
  • By sponsoring Amazon Influencer livestreams that are produced by top influencers.
  • By running Sponsored Products campaigns to help drive more product detail page views.
  • By creating product bundles to feature in future livestreams.
  • Tracking the performance and effectiveness of marketing campaigns in driving repeat purchases.
  • Customer satisfaction and feedback regarding the product quality and overall shopping experience.
  • Analyzing customer retention and repeat purchase patterns.
  • On the top of the product detail page.
  • On the Today’s Deals page.
  • As a badge on the product image.
  • Traffic
  • Forecasting
  • Net Pure Product Margin
  • A coupon
  • A buy one get one promotion
  • A social media promo
  • By monitoring competitor ad campaigns and adjusting ad placements accordingly.
  • By targeting lower competition keywords and adding them to product listing titles and descriptions.
  • By analyzing customer reviews and feedback for product improvement opportunities.
  • Glance views, vendor confirmation rate, and probability levels.
  • Sell through rate, unhealthy inventory cost, and ultra-fast track rate.
  • Net pure product margin, ordered revenue, and shipped units.
  • Promotions
  • Deals
  • Coupons
  • False
  • True
  • True
  • False
  • They must have a 4-star average customer review rating.
  • They must have A+ Premium content on all their product detail pages.
  • They must meet a projected customer demand threshold.
  • False
  • True
  • The predictive size of the audience aware of your brand relative to your most comparable peers.
  • The volume of shoppers who have searched for your brand or products, but did not engage further with your brand in the selected category.
  • The number of products appearing on the discovery page after shoppers search with a query.
  • True
  • False
  • When the purchase is complete with the clipped Coupon applied.
  • After the Coupon code is used at checkout.
  • As soon as the Coupon is clipped by customers.
  • False
  • True
  • Amazon Live
  • Product Opportunity Explorer
  • Amazon Vine
  • The total number of views the product detail page receives, when a vendor is the featured seller.
  • The total number of stock units in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in sellable condition.
  • The estimated stock necessary to satisfy customer demand.
  • Brand Metrics
  • Amazon Retail Analytics
  • Amazon Attribution
  • Product Opportunity Explorer
  • Brand Follow
  • Mangage Your Experiments
  • 7-Day Deals
  • Best Deals
  • Top Deals
  • The percentage of clicks to impressions for products originated from the search results page.
  • The percentage of purchases to clicks for products originated from the search results page.
  • The total number of product clicks or glance views that originated from the search results page.
  • Brand Follow
  • Stores
  • Amazon Brand Registry
  • Repeat purchase behavior
  • Search catalog performance
  • Top search terms
  • By suggesting products to offer promotions on.
  • By recommending products to discontinue.
  • By identifying products to offer in virtual bundles.
  • The campaign will switch to a product listing where you are the Featured Offer.
  • The campaign will continue to deliver impressions.
  • The entire campaign with stop.
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • Buy one get one promotion
  • Price or percentage discounts
  • Social media promo codes
  • Have products for sale on
  • Opt-in to participate on their product detail page.
  • Submit a form in Seller Central.
  • The campaign will keep running but the product will show out of stock to customers.
  • The visibility of just that product will automatically pause.
  • The entire campaign will automatically pause.
  • Amazon reporting tool
  • Amazon metrics tool
  • Amazon retail insight tools
  • To complete legal documents
  • To provide customer support
  • To negotiate shipping fees
  • Amazon Retail API API
  • Selling Partner API
  • Amazon Ads API
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • 22
  • 20
  • 15
  • True
  • False
  • Books are a restricted category for Promotions.
  • Jane is considered a vendor and can’t run Promotions.
  • Jane must be invited by to run Promotions.
  • Best Deals
  • Top Deals
  • Lightning Deals
  • Best Deals
  • Top Deals
  • Lightning Deals
  • The Promotion must be for a product with at least 20 reviews.
  • The Promotion must be for a parent ASIN.
  • The Promotion must offer the lowest price for the product on
  • Minimum number of product reviews are met
  • Media impressions exceed the target threshold
  • Mandatory attributes are present on the product detail page
  • Basic A+ Content
  • Brand Story Content
  • Premium A+ Content
  • They are charged a base merchandising fee that is a one-time flat cost.
  • They are charged for each Lighting Deal that is submitted and successfully runs.
  • They are charged a per-unit funding fee which is determined by the seller.
  • Fulfilment fees
  • Redemption fees
  • No fees are included

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